The Mission
Ivis Procul -according to a quick google translate means "you will go far." Ivis Procul became a thing because my first logo idea 'third eye' is too mainstream. I took what that logo meant for me, made it my mantra, and now watch this brand go far, hopefully.
Eventually, I would like to be more than just bilingual. But why choose a dead language as the language of the name of my company though? The Latin language was spoken by many people who fought to dominate globally, and although not spoken now, it is just pretty cool to commemorate those who have been far in times before ours.
Being a Hispanic/Latino first generation American, I decided, why not Latin. Its history is rich with interesting topics to build a brand around. But being a Hispanic/Latin American - (I honestly still don't know if I know the difference) - made the choice obvious.
Latino/ Hispanic people is what makes up my neighborhood. Latino is what I check, or write, or bubble in on my Ethnicity questions when need be. Latino is what I am proud to call myself all though it doesn't matter where you come from. We each have our own walk on this journey we call life.
I want to build this brand to help promote healthier, safe environments and lifestyles in my neighborhood, the Heart of the Harbor. Wilmington California. I have always believed in leaving the world a better place than we found it. this way our future can enjoy their journeys through life a bit more than we did ours.
Thank you for reading my JaviTalk, and I hope that you can support my mission.